Update 23/08/2013

The latest update has been released and it is large in terms on equipment but there are few game play fixes. One update people may want to pay attention to is the sharp increase in time that will have to be spent before you can search for a game if you fail to ready up. A new courier, ward, 3 HUDs and 14 new sets are just some of the new things you will find in the Dota2 store! Continue reading to see full list of updates..

Windrunner Fan Art by creat78 from dota2wallpapers.com

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Alliance Won The International 3!

Alliance managed to dominate their way through the prelims remaining undefeated. During the upper bracket stage they lost just one game to DK and secured their place in the grand final. In the final they faced Na’Vi, who they had beaten in two straight games during the upper bracket play-offs. Na’Vi are the much more experienced team when it comes to playing for this much money though, and the nerves of Alliance showed. The final result for the grand final was 3-2 to Alliance. All 5 games can be seen below;



What does ‘CS’ stand for in Dota2?

During ti3 the commentators kept commenting on players CS, however they never actually mentioned what CS meant. You could tell from the context that CS was being used in, that it must refer to the last hits and denies the players had been getting on creeps through out the lane stage. Simply then CS stands for Creep Score and is the last hits and denies accumulated through out the game. Casters will focus on pro players CS through out the first 5-15 minutes of pro games because it allows us to tell how well the lane faze is going to a certain extent.

A player who can generate a large amount of CS in short period of time will usually be a hard carry for a team. These hard carrys that manage to get 100+ CS in 10 minutes or less are aided by their supports, by pulling creeps and double stacking neutrals. So don’t feel to bad when you can’t manage to generate the same CS as the pros do, especially when you are in a random public match with people you have never met before.

Na’Vi Dendi Pudge & Puppey Chen Combo

During the ti3 there have been some fancy tricks using chen and puck to refill bottles and heal without ever leaving the lane, but Na’Vi took it to a whole new level yesterday with Pudge and Chen. If you do not knwo what I am talking about because you missed the game then you NEED to watch this highlight video put together by DotaCinema. Chen has an ability to send an allied hero back to base to heal, and Na’vi used the ability while Dendi hooked a player with Pudge sending them both back to the base.

Dota 2 Captain Bamboo Mythical Courier

Captain Bamboo is a mythical courier that you can purchase from the dota2 store. This courier in the video has no effect but versions of captain bamboo with effects can be found in treasure chests. If you don’t want to waste your time buying chests, he is also available on the community market. I will warn you now though, a captain bamboo courier with an effect starts at around £70 in price compared to a version without effects which is just £9.